Monday, January 16, 2012

Check Out These Cool Sites!!

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Martin Luther King Day!!  I can't believe I haven't said hi in over a month. Life has just taken over and wow time is flying. At school we are hitting procedures and delving into mid year assessments. YUCK!  :) I'm trying to evaluate what I have covered and what I haven't. It feels like summer will be here before you know it and I'm feeling the pressure.

I have my personal evaluation next week. YIKES!! I get so stinkin nervous! Next Friday in will walk my princiPAL along with the lower elem. princiPAL. :) They will sit for an hour and observe my little ol self preforming. I plan to introduce my littles to non fiction summarization. I think I'm set but I just get soooo nervous!!!

So, I'm sitting here at training this morning. Yep, that's right. I'm not all comfy at home in my pjs. I'm at training learning about technology in the 21st century. Not as good as pjs but it will do.

I thought I would take the next several days to show you the cool sites we talked about today.

Are any of you up for re certification any time soon? I have to renew this June so I'm giving this shout out to all of you to check out your personal time frame for renewal. I got a little confused about the dates of my masters and the date of my last renewal and was in a bit of a panic about sb-ceus. Turns out I have credits from my masters that have me sitting pretty. Big sigh!!!
Go here to check your time frame for renewal.

 Michigan Department of Education

This site is very helpful if you are a teacher in Michigan and you need sb-ceu's. If you don't live in Michigan I'm sure there is a site in your state that could help.
You can take these courses from your kitchen in your pjs.  :)

I'm sorry I've been gone so long and I promise to be much more on the ball with my posts! :)

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