Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Wonderful Daily 5/Cafe Resource!!

I was typing along today and I stumbled upon a wonderful resource!! If you haven't check out this blog you REALLY need to get typing on over in a hurry!! Her entire blog is dedicated to the Daily 5 and Cafe. 

If your wondering about the picture above, I Googled daily 5 images and I found this. They happen to be posters sold by 3rd Grades a Hoot!  If you want a set of them go here.  
I will link up her site below!!

This brings me to wonder who else out there has wonderful resources to offer where the Daily 5/ Cafe are concerned. Do you have sassy posters, lessons, pictures, ideas, etc.?? It can be Daily 5 math too!!

Let's link up and share them! 
Let's make this a link up spot for all the Daily 5 / Cafe goodies!!

1. Your link has to be about Daily 5/ Cafe.
2. You must include the url to the actual post not the site. Unless the entire site is on the topic like the one I shared!
3. I just put in the first 4 entries. Yes, they are someone else's blogs! I just clicked the middle/second option under Get an image from the web page you entered WEB and it will give you their image. 
4. If you can, post about this linky!


  1. Great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing the entries!


  2. Julie,
    I added your party link to my Lots of Linkies List.


  3. I love the idea of compiling D5 resources, but you need to be careful. All of the Daily 5 and CAFE concepts are strictly protected by copyright and they are very serious about the legal aspect of selling anything with their ideas and phrases included. You are allowed to make and share resources for free, but not to sell or endorse the selling of products. I just wanted to mention it because the link you posted was to the sale of the products. I don't want to see anyone unknowingly get into trouble.

  4. All these rules are so very confusing! I just went over to their website and I couldn't find anything pertaining to phrases. All the clip art people insist you charge and now this has to be free. Maybe I'll email the sisters to clarify the rules. They are in to blogs so I know they are watching. I spoke to them at a training last month. I'm sure the sisters know about TpT. It would seem weird they wouldn't contact people if they didn't like the posters being sold. They have never made poster so it wouldn't be copying. A person can't copy right the definition of comprehension can they? ;-)
    Is that why some teachers have changed to FACE vs. CAFE?


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