Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Building Changes!

We were just informed by our administrator that our entire building 1-5 will be reconfigured! That's 30 teachers!! Wow! Two teachers per grade level will be changing grade level and almost everyone will be forced to switch classrooms. As you can imagine we are all in an uproar. Yikes! I'm trying to stay positive. I've decided to focus on getting organized and looking forward to being in a room with heat. lol But, I sure am going to miss all my storage and the picture windows to the playground. :(

Anyone else out there moving?

What changes are you making and what is you attitude of choice?

How about some advise on major building changes?

1 comment:

  1. This is going to sound cliche, but my only advice is really to go with the flow. I look at room and grade changes as new ways to grow. Sure it's a little, okay, a lot stressful, but there's so many possibilities! Think of your room is a new canvas...experiment with new organization ideas. Think of the grade changes as a way to learn new strategies from someone you may not have worked with before. In the long open, be calm...everything works out in the end. Good luck :)

    life, and everything in between


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