Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm on Fire Baby!! :)

Thank you so very much to Maria over at 
Charmed in Third Grade!!

Charmed in the Third Grade
I so appreciate the Blog on Fire award you gave me!!

So with this award, you need to share 7 things about yourself 
and then pass the award on to 7 "HOT" blogs!
So here goes...

1. I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we have 3 adorable children ages 7, 6, and 4.
2. I so totally threw my back out on Tues. and it still really hurts but I'm on the mend.  
3. I'm having the best school year EVER!!! My class is wonderful and I feel like we are making awesome progress!
4. I'm totally addicted to Pinterest!! I'm gotten so many teaching ideas. I swear it has made a huge impact on my teaching. Check it out!! Click the little P - Follow Me on Pinterest
5. I love Diet Coke!! My hubby hates that I drink so much of it so every morning he wakes up and brews me fresh green tea. 
Love him!!
6. I have a new niece and she is adorable!!! Chloe Vega Morgan was born last week and I just adore her!
7. I appreciate and love comments so if you stop over and see something you like say something!! 
Now...... 7 Rockin Blogs on Fire!

3rd Grade's a Hoot

There you have it!! 
I could have given it to many more 
but alas I do need to get to my lesson planning!! :)
Happy Blogging Girlfriends!!
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Super Cool Site Dedicated to Math and the Common Core

If you haven't heard of it then you are missing out!! Click over and check out Manga High!! The site is packed full of games that challenge students on specific Common Core strands. You can tailor the games they play to match up with Common Core strands that they need to master. You set up challenges and the kids attempt to master the games. The site gives you wonderful charts and feedback so you can track student progress. I just passed out the usernames and passwords on Fri. and I already had kids playing this weekend. I can tell because I logged on and poof, I can see one little girl in my room has already earned a gold medal on one of the challenges I set up. Cool, huh?! The above is a picture of one of them many games the kids can play. Click on the pic below and go see what I'm talking about!!
On a side note registering your class will take  some effort. I decided to log on as a student after I set them up and realized the program takes them to a page to select their own log on /password. Well, I decided to log on to each one and set the log on/passwords for each of them. If they changed them and then they got mixed up I would go crazy! So keep that in mind!!

Happy Mangahighing!!

Just for giggles leave a comment and let me know what you think!! So many of you are blog stalkers but so few of you leave comments! A girl just wants to know she is making a difference in cyber space!! 

Thanks super duper!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Decorations and Common Core

Hey bloggy buddies!! 
I hope life is treating you spooktacular!!! 
Hehe! I couldn't help it.   :)

I got a little Pintmotivated and decided to decorate my classroom door! It turned out pretty cute. The kids LOVE it!! I had pinned this sassy door a long while back and decided to make my move on some Franktastic door decor!

I originally pinned this door on Pinterest.
If any of you out there have a green door on your house you could whip up some Halloween magic! 

If you want to check out what other holiday/classroom ideas I've pinned then head on over and check out my Pinterest!! I'm telling you it's getting out of control!! I have over 700 followers over there! CRAZY!! I just really LOVE to pin. Seeing all the cute things everyone is making and doing motivates me to jump on board. Click on the button below to check it out! 

Follow Me on Pinterest

If you liked the sassy Bat/writing project we have up next to our door than you just have to check out  
I'm loving this blog!! I did the bat project this week and I'm doing the matter gummy activity next week!! I of course have all this pinned so I can access it easily when I need it!

We had a ton of fun doing this project!! I turned it into a summary/review and my kids did a fantastic job!

One last note!! I now have a cool new tab on the right side of my blog! Do you see it sticking out from the side?? It says Common Core App.
A lovely friend at work showed me this app and it rocks!! It is super easy to install on your blog and tadda!!! You have instant access to the Common Core right on your blog. You just paste the given code under the gadgets on your design page. 

Head on over to Mastery Connect to grab your app up for free!!

Happy Blogging!!
Saturday, October 15, 2011

What Is Wrong Here??!

So, last week I went to change my classroom blog design and I accidentally changed and messed up this one! UGH! I still can't believe I did it! To make matters worse I've been too busy to spiff it back up. 

Problem!! I noticed today after I posted that my post didn't show up on the blogrolls or on GReader. It doesn't show up on mine at all. Yes, I keep my blog on my own roll just to keep tabs on how long it takes to update etc. 

Any suggestions to this?? I think I must have really messed something up and I have no clue how to fix it!

Life in the Fast Lane!!

  Hey bloggy buddies!! I've been sooo MIA!! Life in the fast lane is starting to catch up with me! The days fly by and it feels like I just can't get everything in. Here is a little peak at what we have been up to!! 

Daily five has been going wonderful!! My kids are loving it and building awesome stamina!! 
Right now they are all focused on - 
  • Choosing a just right book
  • Finishing one chapter book at a time
  • Taking an AR test on that book.  
Once they have taken the AR test they report the score to me and I record it in my pensive. When I conference with them I go over the following:
  • Current book level/length (AR) I have them read one page and demonstrate the 5 finger test.  
  • I have a print out of their AR summary - We discuss their scores/points/comprehension %. I have them take these summaries home for their parents to view and sign. 
  • I have all of their books recorded with the level and the test %tage in my pensive to keep on track. This makes it easy to say - Where is the Tree House book you were reading two days ago?? Accountability is big. 
During buddy reading they have to stop every couple pages (depending on the length/density of their books) and summarize. I did this little summary chart. We model and practice each day and will until we get really good at this. 
I recently found and printed out these check marks which I plan to pass out for them to decorate and keep in their book bags. These will serve as a reminder for them to summarize. On the back we are going to put Coaching/Time for when a student is stuck.  
 I found this supper sassy check on What the Teacher Wants!  
This blog is super of course awesome!! :)  She is all about the Common Core and has tons of cool stuff to download and see!

I have lots more Daily 5 stuff on my Pinterest if you want to take a peak!! I have to admit I'm a little Pinterest crazy!! hehe! Click the button below to have a look!
Follow Me on Pinterest

I was pretty proud of my long A poster I made do you like the Halloween touch I added?? hehe! I got this little ditty over at the Inspired Apple. Thanks Abby!
 All in all the year is going great, but WOW is it going fast!! I hope everyone else is having a blast and not so very overwhelmed!! I can't believe how time is flying!! 

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