Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SMART Board Lessons!!

I'm sitting here at SMART board training and I'm learning some really cool stuff!! I get a SMART Board next year when I move classrooms and I'm on information overload. You know how we are!! I have this new technology at my finger tips and my brain is running over time with all the stuff I "think" I'm going to accomplish. Meanwhile I don't even know how to turn it on! Ha! Reality check!! :)

So here is my challenge!! 
You know I love me some LiNkY!!!  

Get your LiNkY on ladies and gents!!

I want everyone to snag up their favorite SMART board lesson, sites, posts, etc. and LiNkY up!! 

Just think of all the super stuff we will see with our collective ideas! If you don't have a board don't fret or skip this!! Save the stuff for later. You know you will look back in a year and go dang nab it, I should have saved those!!

Let the LiNkY BEGIN!!!


  1. Awesome Idea! I am pinning your post.

  2. Love this! The school I just interviewed at has SMART boards. I don't have much experience with them so this post is great!

  3. I am so excited for you and me!! I got an email from my principal yesterday that I would be getting a smartboard!! I have used an infocus for several years, but now it will be interactive for the children. I love your blog and will be following you!!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this linky party! I need to get started creating my Smartboard lessons, I just haven't been motivated. I think Smartboard lessons are out of my comfort zone, so I run away from them.

  5. Thanks for hosting! This is a great idea! I love my smartboard and use it everyday!

  6. Thank you so much for this linky party! So helpful in finding resources!! :)

  7. I started a "Lots of Linkies" Linky party to help organize all the different Linky parties on blogs. Hop on over and add yours.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  8. What application is needed to view these at home on a Mac? I can open Smartboard applications on my school computer, BUT won't let me open blogs. So I'm stuck... I love what I see, just can't see them!!

  9. This website / Linky idea of collaborating lesson ideas is a great idea for a teacher like me. I am in the works to get a Smartboard in my classroom sometime within the year. Although I have no fear in playing around with new technology, I am a big believer in not "reinventing the wheel" when it can be avoided. As a teacher and coach I often find that this type of networking, collaborating, and, when appropriate, "stealing" ideas and integration opportunities from one another can be one of the most growth-based professional development opportunities that exists today! Great idea!!!

  10. Hi! Your blog is great! I would love to get in on this "linky" thing, but can't figure out how. Is it because I'm using a mac? I have lots of resources to share as well. Thanks!


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