Friday, April 29, 2011
Type on over to Mrs. Randall's Learning Library!! Kelly is hosting a classroom management linky party!! I'm so excited to say I've already seen some things I can't wait to do next year!

I'll say this has been the year to make or break all management systems! 
I also give out tickets. We work on filling a classroom bucket and then celebrate when it is full. (usually every couple weeks) Each Friday our principal comes around and pulls two tickets and students get to choose a prize from his box or eat lunch with him. They LOVE it!! With the end of school in sight the behaviors have been slipping more and more. On Mon. I decided to have two drawings a day, one before lunch and one at the end of the day. Which ever student was picked got 10 min. with my child's DSi game. They have been wild about it. They are working so hard to get tickets in that bucket. 
I still have numerous behavior problems in class but the tickets take care of my slightly slipping to good kids. I have 4 kids on individual point sheets and those have shown some improvement as well. 

I use a chart to keep track of student reprimands. 
1 = a warning
2= a reflection sheet (I'll upload later)
3= a phone call home
4= a lunch recess detention
5= Trip straight to the office

I used to have kids pull cards for this but I switched up to the chart I keep on a clipboard at my desk. It is a little more private and less in their face. I have had years where the chart worked better because the kids really needed that visual.

I will upload the charts and pages I use to keep track of behavior later today when I run into more time!!


  1. Hi Julie, thanks for linking up! I love how your admin comes around and gets involved with your class. I also like the new look of your blog. Super cute!

    Mrs. Randall’s Learning Library

  2. Thanks Kelley!! I'm not sure yet. I like it but I really like trying on new stuff!!


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